Applications are now open for the 2018 JD Club NI trials which will be taking place in June.
The three-stage process starts on 16 June at The Dub in Belfast and 17 June at MUSA, Cookstown. JD Club NI, the Irish Football Association's elite player development programme, is inviting any boys born in 2004, 2005 and 2006 who think they can make the grade to register via the JD IFA App or online.
You can download the App using the following links:
IOS: http://bit.ly/GAWATrialsApple
Android: http://bit.ly/GAWATrialsGoogle
You can also enter online HERE.
Please read the FAQs below for further information:
Q. When are the various rounds of this year's trials?
Round 1
Saturday 16 June – Queen’s Sports, The Dub, Belfast
Sunday 17 June – Mid Ulster Sports Arena, Cookstown
Round 2
Saturday 23 June – Queen’s Sports, The Dub, Belfast
Sunday 24 June – Mid Ulster Sports Arena, Cookstown
Final Round
30 June – Mid Ulster Sports Arena, Cookstown
Q. What are the addresses of the venues?
Queen’s Sports, Malone Sports Facilities, Dub Lane, Belfast, BT9 5NB
Mid Ulster Sports Arena, Tullywiggan Road, Cookstown, BT80 8SD
Q. When will players know if they have been selected to get through to the next round?
We will inform those players that are successfully through to the next round via email by the Wednesday following each trial. Only those successful will receive an email. If you don’t get an email you will have been unsuccessful.
Q. Will players be provided with feedback?
Unfortunately it is not possible to provide individual feedback to all the trialists due to the large numbers involved, though we would encourage all players to continue working hard in their clubs.
Q. What are the coaches looking for?
The JD Club NI coaches will be assessing the potential of players against the standards required to be in JD Club NI. It is important to be aware that the JD Club NI squad only includes 25 players at your age group across all of Northern Ireland so we would encourage players not to be disappointed if you don’t get selected this time and to keep on working at and enjoying your football.
Q. How will the coaches select the players?
All the coaching staff involved in the trials process are highly qualified and experienced coaches and are used to working on talent identification of players. The coaches will be considering the trialists in line with the standard of players in JD Club NI.
During the trials process the coaches will quickly get to know the players and will quietly record the names of any players they would like to recommend for further monitoring. At the end of the trials day the coaches will work together to identify a small number of trialists to progress to the next round.
Q. Why aren’t girls being trialled this year?
The trials are organised for the Club NI system for boys, which JD sponsors. The Girls' Excellence Programme is sponsored by the Irish Football Association's women’s football partner, Electric Ireland.
Q. Will there be specific goalkeeper coaches?
Q. How do I contact the JD trials?
Once registered you will receive all information about your trial so please do wait for this as it will provide full details. Please note due to the large number of trialists we would ask participants not to send individual enquires as full details will be provided.