The Irish FA Foundation has launched a two-part consultation to gauge clubs’ views on amateur game development in Northern Ireland.
Dean Holmes, Amateur Football Game Developer at the Foundation, explained the consultation will involve a survey among clubs and a questionnaire for stakeholders within the amateur game with a focus on improving it.
He explained: “We are committed to ensuring that we meet the needs of local football and that we understand the differing priorities across Northern Ireland. To have a holistic and rounded view of the current situation, and to find out the needs of the local game, we have decided to carry out a consultation.”
He said the research will ensure the Foundation’s future plans for the amateur game are grounded in the needs of clubs and the footballing community.
Holmes further said: “Through the club survey we want to ensure that we effectively support clubs in their development. The survey will give us information on clubs’ current standing, their views on where they hope to go, and the support needed to get there.
“The second aspect is a questionnaire for all stakeholders with an interest in amateur football and club development. Through it we would like to hear the honest views of individuals who have an interest in our local game and how it can be improved.”
He insisted the Foundation will welcome the views of all within the game.
“All feedback is greatly valued and something we want to hear. From both pieces of research we will identify the specific needs and priorities in the regions of Northern Ireland and together drive up the level and quality of club development,” he added.