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Mental Health Network

The Irish FA Foundation has been working to create a network of mental health champions who will work together to promote mental wellbeing and challenge the stigma around mental health. 


The Mental Health Network includes groups like TAMHI (Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues) and SAMHI (Suicide Awareness & Mental Health Initiative) along with more than 100 football clubs from across Northern Ireland. 

The Irish FA Foundation’s Mental Health Network launched a social media campaign to support World Mental Health Day (10 October).  

The focal point of the campaign is a short video featuring Northern Ireland’s international players. The aim is to use the power of football to improve mental wellbeing by promoting the Five Steps To Wellbeing, #Take5.  

You can view the #Take5 video by clicking on the image at the top of the page and find out more by downloading the informative poster HERE

Learn even more about steps you can take for your mental wellbeing by visiting the Mind Your Head website by CLICKING HERE. 

The Duke of Cambridge visited Belfast to open the Inspire Resilience Centre at Lombard House. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as well as Prince Harry are strong and impressive advocates for mental health.

The Irish FA were invited to showcase the work we are doing with our clubs, partners and volunteers to promote mental wellbeing through sport. We had the opportunity to shine the spotlight on the great work already being done within football and we also discussed plans in place for the Irish FA and our network of Mental Health Champions. 

Through our partnership with Inspire, the Irish FA are proud supporter of the Change Your Mind Campaign and are encouraging our clubs to get involved. 

Change Your Mind is Northern Ireland’s regional campaign to tackle stigma and discrimination around mental health. 

It is a joint programme run by Inspire and the Public Health Agency. Change Your Mind is funded by Comic Relief and works in partnership with a range of organisations and community networks across Northern Ireland. 

The Campaign shaped by the collaboration of communities, organisations and individuals who are championing the message against mental health stigma across society – a campaign for people driven by people. 

For more information visit the Change Your Mind website by CLICKING HERE.

The Irish FA have signed up to the Mental Health Charter, which has been designed to promote inclusivity for people experiencing poor mental health, in their workplace launched by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI). 

For more information on the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and the Mental Health Charter you can visit their website by CLICKING HERE